Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Plain and Simple...

I make a concerted effort to keep my posts positive, upbeat... even inspirational.  The risk in that approach is giving the false impression that I've got it all together and have it all figured out. 

I have bad moments, days and weeks too. 

Believe me. 

And like I mentioned in a previous post, it sneaks up on me.

Today I had to try to explain to a cute little 4 year-old boy at the park why my 8 year-old son is "so big but doesn't talk." 

I have no cute or witty anecdote.  I have no inspirational ending. 

It sucks.  Plain and simple. 


  1. Somethings are really difficult to explain. I have those moments also and yes it does suck!!

  2. I think if we kept it upbeat all the time those others coming along would wonder how we are doing it and give them a false sense of crazy. If that makes any sense....

    There are days when it sucks. Horribly. I get it. I really do. Know you have us out here who get it and while we're not there, we're with you in spirit.

    Hang in there. Hang in.

  3. I just tell kids..."he just hasnt found his words yet...some kids find it sooner then later so just keep talking to him cause that is how he will understand and find them" and to you...my son didnt start "speaking" until he was 10-11 but he clearly understands what we are saying to him...and boy does he have a sense of humor!!
